Widget:Nav tabs alternative


jQuery UI approach automatically finding the closest element and dynamically adding IDs. Refresh this page if it does not work (loading of jQuery and jQuery UI is kind of dubious).

jQueryUI nested tab openend from hash

Give the url an hash off #subtab2 so it opens tab2 AND subtab2
Working url: http://run.plnkr.co/plunks/Wr91Bm/#subtab2
See code: http://plnkr.co/Wr91Bm

Tabs below is working how we expect it. It opens tab2 and subtab2 on a pageload.

Some content 1.

Some sub content1
Some sub content2

Some content 3

Tab below is without the fix. It opens the default #tab1 and the #subtab2.
(Try too manualy press Tab2 too see the correct subtab has openend

Some content 1.

Some sub content1
Some sub content2

Some content 3